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1 cut and run


2 cut corners


3 cut to the chase


4 cut and dried


5 cutting edge, leading edge


6 dark horse


7 dawn on

8 dead ringer

9 deep pockets

10 derring-do

11 devil’s advocate

12 diamond in the rough

13 (the) die is cast

14 dirt bag

15 do a 180

16 do the trick

17 dog-eat-dog

18 I won’t hold my breath

19 don’t know jack

20 double cross

21 double-dipping

22 double-take

23 double whammy

24 up a notch

25 down in the dumps

26 down pat

21 down the drain

22 dragging feet

23 draw a blank

24 dribs and drabs

25 drink the Kool-Aid

26 drop by

27 drop the ball

28 dropping like flies

29 dry run

30 ducks in a row

31 duke it out

32 ear to the ground

33 early bird

34 eat someone’s lunch

35 eat your heart out

36 egg on (one’s) face

37 White elephant

38 eleventh hour

39 eye on the ball

40 face the music

41 face value

42 fair game

43 take the fall

44 falls through the cracks

45 feet of clay

46 field day

47 fight fire with fire

48 fight tooth and nail

49 filthy rich

50 finest hour

51 fingers crossed

52 fire in the belly

53 fishing expedition

54 fit as a fiddle

55 Flash in the pan

56 flesh and blood

57 freak out

58 flip side

59 flotsam and jetsam

60 fly in the ointment

61 fold the tent

62 follow suit

63 foot in one’s mouth

64 foot in the door

65 for a song

66 for all intents and purposes

67 for crying out loud

68 for keeps

69 forbidden fruit

70 foregone conclusion

71 fork in the road

72 from scratch

73 from the get-go

74 from the horse’s mouth

75 fuddy-duddy

76 game changer

77 game of chicken

78 gear up for

79 get a handle on

80 get hammered

81 get off the ground

82 get one’s act together

83 get one’s arms around

84 get someone’s goat

85 keep the ball rolling

86 get to the bottom

87 get traction

88 get under (someone’s) skin

89 get wind of

90 get with the program

91 give a piece of one’s mind

92 give and take

93 give in

94 glass ceiling

95 gloom and doom

96 gloves off

97 go belly up

98 go cold turkey

99 go down with the ship

100 go figure

101 go for broke

102 go great guns

103 go haywire

104 talk in circles

105 go overboard

106 go that route

107 go-to

108 go to bat for

109 go to the dogs

110 go viral

111 God is in the details

112 going forward

113 gold standard

114 good riddance

115 grain of salt

116 grease palm

117 grit one’s teeth

118 guerrilla marketing

119 gut feeling

120 had it with

121 half-baked

122 half-hearted

123 Wholehearted

124 hand over fist

125 hands down

126 hang in there

127 happy as a clam

128 happy camper

129 happy medium

130 hard and fast

131 hard feelings

132 hard line

132 hard sell

133 hardball

134 have a clue

135 have a lock on

136 have someone’s back

137 have teeth

138 head over heel

139 the heebie-jeebies

140 high off the hog

141 high road

142 hissy fit

143 hit home

144 hit the ceiling

145 hit the nail on the head

146 hit the sack

147 hold a candle to

148 hole up

149 a hop, skip and jump

150 horse trading

151 a hot commodity

152 house of cards

153 icing on the cake

154 in a flash

155 in a nutshell

156 in a pickle

157 in one’s sleep

158 in spades

159 in store

160 ballpark figure

161 in the black

162 in the red

163 in the dark

164 in the flesh

165 in the heat of the moment

166 in the know

167 in the loop

168 in the nick of time

169 in the same breath

170 ivory tower

171 Jack of all trades

172 joined at the hip

173 jump on the bandwagon

174 jump ship

175 jump the gun

176 the jury is out

177 kangaroo court

178 keel over

179 keep someone posted

180 keep your powder dry

181 kick the can down the road

182 kid gloves

183 kitchen sink

184 knee-jerk

185 knock someone’s socks off

186 knock on wood

187 Know something inside and out

189 know the ropes

190 knuckle under

191 labor of love

192 laid-back

193 gung-ho

194 lame duck

195 lap of luxury

196 last but not the least

197 last-ditch

198 laughingstock

199 lay an egg

200 lay it on thick

201 lead balloon

202 leave in the lurch

203 leave no stone unturned

204 leave well enough alone

205 leave someone to own devices

206 leg up

207 less is more

208 let someone have it

209 let sleeping dogs lie

210 let the cat out of the bag

211 let’s rool

212 level the playing field

213 lie low

214 lie through one’s teeth

215 lift a finger

216 Light at the end of the tunnel

217 lightning rod

218 like a bat out of hell

219 like a ton of brinks

220 like a clockwork

221 like gangbusters

222 like hot cakes

223 like pulling teeth

224 draw a line in the sand

225 lip service

226 lips sealed

227 look over one’s shoulder

228 live it up

229 live up to

230 living large

231 lo and behold

232 a long shot

233 long-winded

234 look down your nose

235 look the other way

236 loose canon

237 lose your marbles

238 run out of gas

239 low-hanging fruit

240 make a mountain out of a molehill

241 make do

242 make heads or tails of

243 make no mistake

244 mess around

245 micromanage

246 mind-blowing

247 Monday morning quarterback

248 more than meets the eye

249 motley crew

250 movers and shakers

251 muddle through

252 mumbo jumbo

253 mum’s the word

254 musical chairs

255 neck and neck

256 neither fish nor fowl

257 neither here nor there

258 nest egg

259 a new kid on the block

260 nip in the bud

262 nitty gritty

263 no holds barred

264 keep one’s nose to the grindstone

265 nothing to sneeze at

266 nothing to write home about

267 odds and ends

268 off-the-record

269 old hat

270 on a roll

271 on a cloud nine/seven

272 on cue

273 on one’s plate

274 on the ball

275 on the bubble

276 on the heels of

277 on the money

278 on the right foot

279 on the wrong foot

280 on the same page

281 put someone on the spot

282 on the table

283 on the table

284 on the warpath

285 at one fell swoop

286 out of left field

287 out of line

288 out of one’s system

289 out of the blue

290 out of the woods

291 out on limb

292 outside the box

293 over the hill

294 pan out

295 paper over

296 parting shot

297 pass the buck

298 pat on the back

299 pay the piper

300 price to pay

311 peas in a pod

312 penny pincher

313 penny wise, pound foolish

314 pent-up

315 people person

316 best-case scenario

317 Worst-case scenario

318 peter out

319 pick up steam

320 pick up

321 pie in the sky

322 piece of cake

323 cakewalk

323 buy a pig in a poke

324 pitch in

325 pitched battle

326 play one’s cards right

327 play fast and loose

328 play it by ear

329 play second fiddle

330 pleased as punch

331 polish off

332 powder keg

333 preach to the choirs/converted

334 pretty penny

335 pull out all the stops

336 pull strings

337 pull the wool over someone’s eye

338 punch up

339 push comes to shove

340 push the envelop

341 put your best foot forward

342 put in a good word

343 put your mind to

344 put money on

345 put words in someone’s mouth

346 take words out of my mouth

347 quality time

348 quantum leap

349 raise eyebrows

350 read between the lines

351 red tape

352 red handed

353 rhyme or reason

354 ride shotgun

355 right off the bat

356 rip off

357 roadkill

358 roll the dice

359 roll up one’s sleeves

360 rule of thumb

361 run on the mill

362 salad days

363 salt of the earth

364 sea change

365 see eye to eye

366 a big picture person

367 seize the moment

368 sell short

369 shoot from the hip

370 short end of the stick

371 short shrift

372 shot in the arm

373 the sky is falling

374 a slam dunk

375 a slap on the wrist

376 sleep in

377 veg out

378 sleep on it

379 sleight of hand

380 sling mud

381 slip of the tongue

382 slippery slope

383 slush fund

384 small potatoes

385 smell a rat

386 smoke and mirrors

387 sob story

388 song and dance

389 soup and nuts

390 sour grapes

391 spick and span

392 spill the beans

393 split the difference

394 spread the word

395 spruce up

396 square deal

397 square meal

398 square off

400 square the circle

401 squirrel away

402 stack the deck

403 stand down

404 state of the art

405 stay afloat

406 steal thunder

407 steppingstone

408 stick to your guns

409 stick-in-the-mud

410 a stone’s throw

411 stop on a dime

412 suffer fools gladly

413 sweat the small stuff

414 sweep something under the rug

415 tag along

416 tail wags the dog

417 sake a shot at

418 take something in stride

419 take the cake

420 taken aback

421 talk someone’ ear off

422 talk turkey

423 tall tale

424 taste one’s own medicine

425 a team player

426 tie the knot

427 tide over

428 thumbs up

429 thumbs down

430 throw someone a bone

431 through the roof

432 third rail

433 think on one’s feet

434 thick and thin

435 name of the game

436 the last straw

437 the game is up

438 the birds and bees

439 TGIF

440 test the waters

441 tempest in a teapot

442 tempt fate

443 tied up

444 tighten belts

445 till the cow comes home

446 tip your hand

447 close to the vest

448 tit for tat

449 to death

450 to the core

451 go head-to-head

452 tongue-in-cheek

453 top dog

454 top-notch

455 touch base

456 trade up

457 train of thought

458 on second though

459 trigger-happy

460 trot out

461 tunnel vision

462 Turn back the clock

463 Turn of phrase

464 Turn the page

467 Turn the table

468 Turn the tide

469 Thumb your nose

470 Twist arms

471 Two cents

472 Two strike

473 Two-way street

474 Uncharted waters

478 Under the weather

479 Under wraps

480 Up in arms

481 Up to one’s old tricks

482 Up to one’s ears

483 Up to par

484 Up to speed

489 Up-and coming

490 Upper hand

491 Upset the apple cart

492 Vicious circle

493 Virtuous circle

494 Wake-up call

495 Walk on air

496 Walk the plank

497 Warm and fuzzy

498 Save one’s breath

499 Way up there

500 Wear many hats

501 Weather the storm

502 Well-heeled

503 What goes around comes around

504 What’s the deal?

505 When the dust settles

506 Whistle in the dark

507 Whittle away

508 Wild goose chase

509 Window dressing

510 Wishy washy

511 Witch hunt

512 Word of mouth

513 Work one’s tail off

514 Work one’s salt

515 Writing on the wall

516 Zero in on

517 20-20 hindsight

518 A bird in the hand

519 Far from it

520 About-face

521 Above and beyond

522 Ace in the hole

523 Achilles’ heel

524 Acid test

525 Across the board

526 Act of faith

527 Act of God/nature

528 Act up

529 Ad nauseum

530 Add fuel to the fire

531 Does not add up

532 After all

533 After hours

534 After your own heart

535 Kindred spirit

536 Against the grain

537 Ahead of one’s time

538 All ears

539 All systems go

540 All that glitters is not gold

541 All the rage

542 All things to all people

543 All thumbs

544 Go all-out

545 All’s well that ends well

546 All you can eat

547 Ante up

548 Apples and oranges

549 Arm’s length

550 Around the corner

551 As old as hills

552 As the crow flies

553 Asleep at the switch

554 At first blush

555 At the drop of a hat

556 At your fingertips

557 Automatic pilot

558 Average Joe

559 AWOL

560 Ax to grind

561 Back against the wall

562 Front burner

563 Back burner

564 Back of the envelope

565 Back seat

566 Back-to-back

567 Back to square one

568 One bad apple

569 Baked in the cake

570 Ball is in your court

571 Ballpark figure

572 Bang for the buck

573 Beating the drum

574 Bank on

575 Bear bone

576 Bark up the wrong tree

577 With bated breath

578 Bean counter

579 Don’t know beans about

580 Beat the dead horse

581 Beat around the bush

582 Beck and call

583 Beef up

584 Been there, done that

585 Before you know it

586 Behind the eight ball

587 Behind the scenes

588 Be in someone else’s shoes

589 Bells and whistles

590 Low blow

591 Bench strength

592 Bend over backward(s)

593 Get in a lather

594 Better half

595 Between a rock and a hard place

596 Beyond a shadow of a doubt

597 Beyond the pale

598 Big fish

599 Big if

600 Big picture

601 Big shot

602 Bite off more than one can chew

603 Bite the bullet

604 Bite the dust

605 Bitter pill to swallow

606 Blank check

607 Blow the whistle on

608 Boil down

609 Booby trap

610 Booked solid

611 Boxed in

612 Brace yourself 覚悟する

613 Breathe easier

614 Bridge the gulf

615 Broad daylight

616 Brush up on

617 Kick the bucket

618 A bucket list

619 Burn cash

620 Money to burn 有り余っている金

621 Burn bridges

622 Burn out

623 Burn the midnight oil

624 Burst one’s bubble

625 Bury the hatchet

626 Butter up

627 Butterflies in the stomach

628 Buy time

629 By the book

630 By the same token

631 By the skin of one’s teeth

632 call it quits

633 Call on the carpet

634 Call someone out

635 Calm before the storm

636 Can of warms

637 Cards on the table

638 Carrot and stick

639 Cart before the horse

640 Cate blanche

641 Cash cow

642 Cash in on

643 Cast a shadow

644 Catch-22

645 Catch fire

646 Chances are/odds are

647 Change horses in mid-stream

648 Chicken-and-egg

649 Chip away

650 Chip off the old block

651 Chip on one’s shoulder

652 Chips are down

653 Clam up

654 Clean house

655 Cloak and dagger

656 Close the book on

657 Cobble together

658 Cold comfort

659 Cold snap

660 Collateral damage

661 Come clean

662 Come full circle

663 Come hell or high water

664 Come to grips with

665 Comes with the territory

666 common touch


667 connect the dots


668 corner a market


669 count one’s blessings


670 cover the bases


現在作成中の単語・熟語帳2 From Twitter